
To be admitted to our BSN program, entry-level students must comply with the following minimum educational requirements. The list of countries given below is not exhaustive, but indicative for most regions. For detailed information about the prerequisites for your particular country or region, please contact our Admission Office, through email ( or call our Student Services Department, on phone-number +1 (631) 480 2118, prompt 1.

The minimum age for entering in our BSN program is 18, except for students coming from educational systems in which it is possible to obtain a High School/Secondary School level diploma at the age of 17.

Your prerequisite curriculum must at least include the following subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Basic Sciences (including at least chemistry and biology)

After completing your Application and Admission Process you will be asked to take a HESI Admission Assessment Exam (HESI A2), in the fields of English, Mathematics and Basic Sciences. Elsevier Evolve offers an extensive HESI A2 training text- or e-book, called HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review.

USA and Canada

  • High School Diploma (12th grade) or higher.
  • Secondary Vocational Education.

The Netherlands

  • HAVO Diploma or higher.
  • MBO Diploma or higher.

United Kingdom and Ireland

  • Secondary School Diploma.
  • Further Education (FE), which may include any vocational education.


  • High School Diploma (Lycée Terminal) or higher.


  • General Secondary Education Diploma (ASO/Enseignement Secondaire Général).
  • Technical Secondary Education Diploma (TSO/Enseignement Secondaire Technique).


  • Baccalaureate Diploma (Bachillerato).
  • Any vocational education (both middle grade/Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio and superior level/Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior).


  • Upper Secondary School Diploma (Scuola Secondaria Di Secondo Grado), including Lyceo and Instituto Tecnico or higher.


  • Secondary Education Diploma (Ensino Secundário).
  • Certain Vocational Curricula.


  • Higher Secondary/Senior Secondary Education Diploma or higher.
  • Certain Vocational Curricula.

West Africa

  • WASSCE (West African Senior School Certificate Examination) Diploma or higher.
  • Any completed education equivalent to WASSCE level.
  • Certain Vocational Curricula.

East Africa

  • EACE (East African Certificate of Education examination) Diploma.
  • EAACE (East African Advanced Certificate of Education) Diploma.
  • Any completed education equivalent to EACE or EAACE level.
  • Certain Vocational Curricula.


  • Secondary Diversified Education Diploma in Sciences or higher.
  • Secondary Diversified Education Diploma in Humanities or higher.
  • Technical School Diploma or higher.


  • CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations) Diploma or equivalent.
  • Certain Vocational Curricula.


  • Secondary Education (Ensino Médio) Diploma or higher.
  • Any vocational education, for which a Secondary Education Diploma is required.


  • Middle Vocational Education (Educación Media Vocacional) Diploma or higher.


  • Secondary Education (Enseñanza Media) Diploma or higher.
  • Technical Secondary School.


  • Upper Secondary Education (Polimodal) Diploma or higher. Bachiller and Commercial.
  • Certain Vocational Curricula.

Dutch Caribbean

  • HAVO Diploma or higher.
  • MBO Diploma or higher.

Caribbean and Central America

  • CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations) Diploma or equivalent.
  • (Upper) Secondary School Education Diploma.
  • Certain Vocational Curricula.


  • Secondary Education (Kotogakko) Diploma or higher.
  • Any vocational education, for which a Secondary Education Diploma is required.


  • Senior Secondary School (Gaozhong) Diploma or higher.
  • Vocational Senior Secondary School (Zhongzhuan) or higher.


  • Secondary Level School Diploma or higher.
  • Any vocational education, for which a Secondary Education Diploma is required.