Admission Process

First Semester Admission

After having received your completed Application Form, we enter your personal details in our student database. After having received all necessary documents and your Application Fee, we also create your Student Information and Study Center account (making up your Profile) and you will be provided with a personal CUN e-mail address. We review your application and, if deemed necessary, the Immigration Office conducts a preliminary background check, of students who will be coming to Curacao. If all documents are in order, your motivation is convincing and the preliminary background check hasn’t brought to light any noticeable irregularities, you receive a Confirmation of Provisional Admittance.

Proof of Creditworthiness

Prior to sending a definitive Confirmation of Admittance, you (or your legal guardian, representative or sponsor) are asked for a proof of creditworthiness. This can be a recent bank statement or a statement by a recognized financial institution. In case payments will be made by a legal guardian, representative or sponsor, this person must send CUN a copy of his/her valid passport.


On receiving proof of creditworthiness, we ask you to make a deposit of USD 500.-, to secure your ‘seat’. As soon as we receive your deposit, we send you a definitive Confirmation of Admittance.


We will now send your legal documents to the Immigration Office, asking for you to be allowed to enter the country on a student visa. This process can take up to three months. Costs involved will be charged directly to you. On receiving permission to enter the country on a student visa, you will have to arrange your health and liability insurance. TIP: see if you can get a travel-insurance, covering health and liability, extendable or for the duration of your stay. Please be aware that a valid health-insurance, for the duration of at least one year, prior to entering most countries in the Caribbean, is mandatory. Upon entering the country, as a temporary resident, a refundable immigration deposit is required by law. Coming from a non-EU country and traveling to one of the (Dutch) Caribbean islands, through a European airport, you will have to apply for a transit visa.

To be granted a student-visa the Curacao Immigration Office needs the following additional documents.

  1. Proof of payment of Immigration Processing Fee.

  2. Original, signed Immigration Application Form.

  3. Confirmation of Admittance to CUN (CUN will send this confirmation to the Immigration Office).

  4. Proof of sufficient financial resources of at least USD 600.- per month, excluding CUN tuition and fees (statement of monthly transfer by a bank or a local bank-statement showing a positive balance of at least USD 7,000.-.).

Full payment of tuition, fees and insurance, for the first academic semester

Prior to definitive enrollment we ask you to pay your tuition and fees, covering your first academic semester, in full. On receiving the tuition and fees, we will send you a Confirmation of Enrollment in the program, for your first semester. Having sent your Proof of Insurance to the Immigration Office will allow you to stay on your student visa. Please send your Proof of Insurance to CUN’s Admission Office first.

Welcoming you as our student

Finally arriving on Curacao, our Student Services Team welcomes you to our beautiful island. The team will also help you with arranging your housing. Make sure you’ll receive an appropriate rental-agreement, in case of third party housing. As soon as you are settled in, an introduction program starts. If you follow (part of) your first semester on-line, you will start your introduction program on arrival for your second semester or the remainder of your first semester.

As of the second term. . .

Per Academic Semester Registration

You need to register for every academic semester and the courses to be taken during that particular semester. Being enrolled or being registered for a particular semester, does not imply registration for any following semester and/or courses. On registering for a following academic semester, tuition and other applicable fees have to be paid in full.


On finalizing your program, you can apply for your graduation. Graduation Requests can be sent in on paper or electronically. The proper forms are available at Student Services. As soon as your Graduation Request is received, all requirements will be checked. In case one or more requirements are not yet (fully) met, you and your Mentor are notified immediately. Your Mentor will advise you what steps could or should be taken, to fully meet all requirements. On graduating you will receive a diploma and a diploma-supplement.

You will be eligible for graduation, as soon as the applicable fee is paid in full.

Ready to apply? Check your prerequisites here.

Done checking? Start your Application and Admission Process here.